Premium dolls are classified into two types. TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls are examples of these. If you are looking for good quality Silicone Sex Dolls you buy them from here with good quality products Venus Love Dolls.TPE materials are used in the manufacture of more than 90% of dolls. It is because TPE dolls are less expensive to manufacture. Their elasticity allows them to easily conform to various sex positions, making them easy to handle. The price and technique are two factors limiting the development of silicone dolls.
Only about 10% of sex dolls are made of silicone. It is due to the fact that they are costly to produce. They are, however, more durable and non-porous.
Silicone sex dolls have a higher lever doll than other sex dolls. Because the silicone sex doll is resistant to clothing stains, it is easier to clean. It is easy to sterilize because it is a thermoset material and will not lose its shape, unlike TPE-type sex dolls. Over time, the TPE sex dolls lose their consistency. When their temperature reaches around 400°C, they enter the glass transition phase (313K). What are the benefits of using silicone dolls? Continue reading to find out what they are.
It is a material that is good for the environment.
Silicone sex dolls are made from environmentally friendly materials. Because silicone is not reactive with most elements, they are thermosets, which means they are highly resistant to heat and can retain their shape under high pressure, making it difficult for them to corrode and lose shape. The silicone sex doll lasts longer than the TPE sex doll. The reason for this is that the TPE sex doll is partially made of thermoplastic material. They can be easily injected to de-shape and re-shape them. Because of this, they lose consistency faster than silicone sex dolls. Silicone sex dolls can also be used in a variety of applications that highlight their quality.
TPE sex dolls are far more realistic.
Silicone sex dolls have a more realistic sensation, and their body parts do not wobble like TPE sex dolls. They are more rigid due to their firm shape.
Unlike TPE sex dolls, silicone sex dolls are easier to clean after use. They do not lose shape due to the user's high pressure, making them more realistic than the other kind
Skin with less oil
Because of the porosity of the TPE sex dolls, oil tends to become trapped on the doll's skin and in some inner parts. Some users prefer TPE-made dolls because of their ability to conform to a wide range of sex positions and lubricants. TPE-made dolls are resistant to water and lubricants, allowing them to corrode easily if not thoroughly cleaned after use, which can cause a reaction on the user's skin and endanger the user's health if used again. Silicone, on the other hand, is a non-porous material. As a result, oil does not stain the skin. It requires less maintenance because this feature simplifies life for some users who may not have the time to thoroughly clean after use.
Weight loss
Though the weight of sex dolls varies with size and the proportions of materials used in production, the same volume of material in a silicone sex doll will be heavier than that in a TPE sex doll. However, because there are more materials used to make a TPE sex doll, it is always heavier to carry than silicone sex dolls.
No fading and multi-makeup
Because of the low resistance of TPE raw materials to water and lubricants, make-up fades over time as it comes into contact with either the users' sweat or the lotions used. This is not the case with silicone sex dolls, as their non-porous nature allows them to retain their make-up and remain attractive over time.
Hair implanted on a silicone sex doll, not a wig
Unlike TPE sex dolls purchased with a wig, hair-on silicone sex dolls are implanted on the doll's head. Implanted hairs are more durable because they do not fall off and are easier to care for, whereas TPE sex doll wigs can fall off during use, destroying their beauty. It has the potential to influence the user's mood.
Personalized sex doll
You can order a custom TPE sex doll or a custom silicone sex doll; the difference is that custom silicone sex dolls give you more options.
On silicone sex dolls, you can customize the hair, implanted or wig, but there is no implanting hair for TPE sex dolls.