One of the most unusual television couples was Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler, played by Mayim Bialik and Jim Parsons. In the season finale of "The Big Bang Theory," "The Stockholm Syndrome," the two characters who have spent ten years together share the Nobel Prize in Physics. In a 2021 interview with Us Weekly, Bialik revealed the technique behind her successful acting partnership with Parsons: Jim and I shared many pleasant moments on set, and I believe that one of the reasons we got along so well as acting partners—and perhaps even as producing partners—is because we aren't excessively sentimental people in general.
However, Bialik and Parsons' collaboration continued beyond "The Big Bang Theory." Following the finale of "Big Bang," the two started collaborating as co-executive producers of the show "Call Me Kat." In a 2020 interview with ET Canada, Parsons claimed that when he initially approached Bialik with the idea for "Call Me Kat," she didn't realise that he intended her to be the star of the film. Bialik recalled that Jim approached her and asked, "Have you heard of this BBC show called "Miranda"?" "And to be honest, I believed he was merely seeking my friendship and soliciting my views. No, I'm asking you because I want you to bring this odd, odd, odd woman on [American] television, he responded." "Call Me Kat" was created as a result.