This must be true because it was posted on Twitter.
The question of which NBA player fathered ad*lt movie All-Star Lana Rhoades is like a case of (redacted) for members of the NBA x P**nography community.
As of now, the identity of the baby daddy remains unknown; this is made worse by the vitriolic attacks Rhoades has made on her "chickenhearted boyfriend," in which she effectively calls him a lowlife for abandoning her and their son.
I sincerely believed NBA players were all good men. In the blink of an eye, I blurted out, "I'm pregnant." In an earlier social media post, Rhoades said, "And he told me to go f**k myself." This raised questions about the identity of the mystery player.
A Big Reveal About Lana Rhoades' Mysterious Baller.
She tweeted a photo she'd taken while shoe shopping, and the image quickly went viral.
The evidence accumulated to identify Blake Griffin as the father of the unidentified child.
The answer appears like a slam dunk given that the infant had little curls and a face that was an exact match for the Brooklyn Nets power player.
Having the crossover between Rhoades and Griffin hit you like the end of The Sixth Sense was not your normal Woj Bomb, but the realization was genuinely ground-breaking.
Griffin, who makes $29 million a year, may have emptied his Lamborghini fund to contribute to the nondisclosure agreement hush money pool.
Where do you put your money if not on Griffin?