Radio DJ is heard on a leaked audio clip calling a coworker a f***ing, obese, bitch.

Radio DJ is heard on a leaked audio clip calling a coworker a f***ing, obese, bitch.

After a rather damning video showed that he had verbally attacked his co-host after she criticised him on air, a radio personality was fired.

When Crystal Cooper, a former TV anchor, made a lighthearted joke about his computer skills, Victor Faust appeared to be upset, but he decided to hold it in until the show took a break for commercials.

In his foul-mouthed tirade, the St. Louis radio host criticised Cooper's parenting and made remarks about her appearance, especially her weight.

Overall, the information is quite actionable. According to reports, the radio station's owners, Nexstar Media, have since taken such action.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a local newspaper, managed to get their hands on the real recording after learning what was stated during a commercial break on The Edge morning show.

You're a f***ing obese, disgusting, b***h, Faust said in an edited tape made public by the newspaper. You're a f***ing fat b***h for not bringing up s*** on air when I f***ing got your back.

In another part of the video, Cooper was heard complaining that her co-host had called her "dumb" twice. To which, he angrily retorted, "You were making fun of me while I was messing with the computer."

You have a history of criticising me on-air, he continued.

"You're a fat, arrogant b***h.

And each time you enter this f***ing studio, I will refer to you as a f***ing fat, nastily b***h.

He continued by claiming outright that Cooper "only had this f***ing job because of [him]" and that he had "five times" gone to the station's management because of Cooper's alleged "attacks" on him.

"You've yelled at me twice and this is the second time on break now," Cooper responded in defence.

Additionally, she asserted that she had "never attacked" Faust.

But he didn't stop there.
The issue is that you believe that anything you do is right, according to Faust.

After that, he commanded her to "shut [her] f***ing mouth."

He responded, "You had no f***ing reason to attack me on-air yesterday, yet you did.

He replied, "You grow up, you big b***h," when Cooper told him to "grow the f*** up."

He said, "Your kids have a terrible f***ing mom, I feel sorry for them," before intensifying his remarks.

The show has reportedly been cancelled "for the time being," according to the publication.

After then, Faust apparently told the Post-Dispatch that the video was real and that there was more "background" than was previously known.
Vic Faust no longer works for FOX 2, (sister CW affiliate) KPLR, or NEXSTAR MEDIA, according to a statement sent to the same site.

Later, Faust tweeted, "I'm very sorry. My comments damaged my family, my friends, and Crystal.

"I made a terrible error, and I'm embarrassed.

"As I attempt to regain your trust, I hope we can have a candid discussion about professional respect and forgiveness.

Please respect my children's privacy; this is not their fault.
He said on his Facebook page: "I would have apologised right away, but my now-former company asked that I hold off until they finished the investigation.

"I did try to apologise to Crystal three times before the story became public.

"Before the news broke, I also volunteered to publicly apologise on Facebook.

"Despite the problems we dealt with for weeks prior to me being surreptitiously recorded, I shouldn't have treated her the way I did.

"I understand that some people don't think I'm apologetic; I realise that.

"I deserved every negative aspect of this. I filmed a dreadful incident, and I will always regret it.

"Those who know me best can attest to the fact that I'm a good person.

"I appreciate your help, both publicly and privately. I also want to thank Kurt Krueger, the general manager of FOX 2, and Audrey Prywitch, the news director, for treating me so well over the course of my more than seven years working there.

Victor Faust and Nexstar Media have been approached by LADbible for a response.
When a US Navy fighter jet collided with an aircraft carrier and went into the water, the following happened:
Military officials are now looking into how the footage surfaced, which shows the F-35 stealth jet as it crashes into the South China Sea.

The clip, which is allegedly real, shows the jet going in to land but striking the flight deck instead. Fortunately, the pilot had already ejected before the catastrophe occurred.

The USS Carl Vinson's pilot and a handful of navy sailors reportedly suffered injuries.

Another video depicts the computer screens showing the accident footage, which amply illustrates the panic as it approaches the ship.

The pilot on board is instructed to "pull up" by the landing signal officer as audio can be heard plunging into panic.
The $100 million (£73 million) fighter plane was the newest in the US Navy inventory, and according to CNN, the damage to the carrier was quite superficial. Regular operations have since resumed.

However, after the tragedy, which happened on January 24, the Navy was left with the challenge of retrieving the jet from the ocean below.

The aeroplane was visible in the water shortly after the collision in a picture sent to Twitter.

Lt. Nicholas Lingo, a spokesperson for the US 7th Fleet, told CNN that "the US Navy is setting up recovery operations for the F-35C aircraft involved in the incident aboard USS Carl Vinson."

Further confirming to the MailOnline that the collision depicted in the videos and images was actually true, Mr. Lingo noted that the situation is still being looked into.

The USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) has determined that the media-covered video was shot there during the crash, according to the source, and an investigation into the incident is still ongoing.

There may have been a rush to get the jet out of the water, with China maybe also seeking for it.

China will attempt to locate and thoroughly examine it using submarines and one of its deep-diving submersibles, according to Carl Schuster, a former director of operations at the Joint Intelligence Center in Hawaii for the US Pacific Command.

Beijing will be able to argue that it is rescuing foreign military equipment or a potential environmental danger from its territorial waters by salvaging the plane with commercial and coast guard assets.

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