In the capital city of Raipur in Chattisgarh, thousands of labourers and their families living in the Industrial region of Urla, Birgaon, are facing serious drinking water crises and other basic necessities of living, despite of working for hours in the industries.
According to the report by the daily newspaper, Nayi Duniya, local people in the Urla region have been complaining about the pathetic conditions in the factories where there is no sufficient supply of electricity and clean drinking water.
In extreme summer, locals women are compelled to walk long distances to fetch drinking water for their families. Roads and infrastructure in the area are poorly maintained, and becoming prone to accidents.
As per local, Munshi Ram Nishad – “We live in an industrial area, but still we don’t have sufficient facilities like water to drink. How long will we have to live in such a misery??”.
Locals are angry with the government representative's attitude of carelessness and ignorance towards them, who only show up their faces during elections for votes.