New HBO Series Adapted From David Cronenbergs Head-Popping Horror Film Is In Development

New HBO Series Adapted From David Cronenbergs Head-Popping Horror Film Is In Development

HBO is developing a TV show based on David Cronenberg's 1980 sci-fi horror film Scanners, with Emmy-winning Black Mirror writer William Bridges serving as showrunner and writer and Lovecraft Country director Yann Demange as the director. Both are going to produce.

The original movie centred on a gang of individuals with strong psychic talents known as Scanners who desire to utilise their powers to rule the world. The group is commanded by the megalomaniacal figure Revok (Michael Ironside). Cameron Vale, another scanner, is opposed (Stephen Lack).

In the now-iconic "head-exploding" sequence from the film, Revok utilises his abilities to obliterate a man's skull.
The description of this series makes it sound like it could potentially be a sequel "a gut-wrenching thriller based in the surreal world of Cronenberg's movie. The story will centre on two outcasts of contemporary society who must learn to cooperate in order to defeat a great conspiracy that is out to bring them to justice. They are being hunted by relentless operatives with superhuman abilities."

Along with Michael Ellenberg and Lindsey Springer of Media Res Studio, Meredith Duff, Sarah Sullivan, and David Cronenberg of Wayward Films will all work as executive producers.

What do you think about this news, guys? Are Scanners by Cronenberg a favourite of yours?

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