Today, we're looking at sci-fi cinema's past, present, and future as we reflect on a cult classic movie from 30 years ago and anticipate the arrival of what has to be the most eagerly awaited science fiction sequel of 2022. Yes, it is true that fans have been anticipating Avatar: The Way of Water for a whole 13 years, but astonishingly, the James Cameron film's colossal running time may wind up matching that lengthy wait.
As Avatar 2 finally hits theatres this December, rumours about the movie's duration have begun to circulate online. And regardless of whether it succeeds in grossing as much money as Marvel's Infinity Saga climax, it might end up being larger than Avengers: Endgame in in other respects. The Way of Water will last a bladder-busting 3 hours, 10 minutes, according to the most recent information. That number seems very likely given that the 2009 film was about 2 hours, 45 minutes long. People, it's time to get some adult diapers.
After Tales of the Jedi revealed that Yaddle speaks like a normal person, which had the jaw-dropping consequence of confirming that not all of Yoda's kind talk backwards, it appeared for a hot minute there that Yoda was about to get cancelled by the Star Wars community, suggesting Yoda has been faking it all along. Yoda's reputation has been restored thanks to a little-known, newly discovered piece of Star Wars lore that Frank Oz discovered. This information explains the true origins of Yoda's speaking patterns. Phew.
The 2008 film Cloverfield is really strong. In addition to launching the sci-fi franchise that is still going strong today, J.J. Abrams recently teamed up with Paramount once more to develop the fourth instalment of the series. This includes helping Matt Reeves of The Batman build his career. However, dissident Redditors are now daring to assert that the movie about an extraterrestrial invasion from recovered footage isn't everything it's made out to be and isn't deserving of its reputation. As long as everyone can concur that 10 Cloverfield Lane is the best, that is.
We don't anticipate a new Tank Girl movie to be released, despite the fact that many classic comic book franchises are getting reboots, given how poorly the Australian sci-fi adventure movie from the 1990s did at the box office. And yet, due to its distinct punk-rock sensibility, it is still a cult favourite today, with individuals with fond recollections reliving it on Reddit. Hey, not just any film would be bold enough to cast Ice T as a mutant kangaroo man.