The 61-year-old actor married Amal, a 44-year-old human rights lawyer, in 2014, and the couple welcomed twins Ella and Alexander two years later. However, the actor said that he was surprised to learn that two babies were on the way after initially anticipating one.
He said the following on "The Drew Barrymore Show": "The plan didn't include it. Also having twins is Amal's sister! At 12 weeks, we went to the place where they take the child. to take a look at the child's image. The doctor then announces, "It's a boy." And a girl, he adds later. Then I asked, "What?" Such a tragedy, it was. Are you kidding me, I said. It is currently the best thing ever. Then, I was afraid! was 56 years old, and I thought that sounded really terrible!"
The "Ticket to Paradise" actor also told how his agent was unsure himself but realised he was "going to marry" Amal soon after they met.
He stated: "Funny thing is, when she and a friend came to visit at the Como house, I thought, "Wow." The most amusing thing happened when Bryan Lourd, my agent, contacted me. He had just met Amal at another event, and she said, "Yeah, I'm going to Como with a buddy. was like, "You're an idiot. There's a girl coming to your house that you're going to marry. You're aware that won't happen. Amal then entered, and we continued to converse into the night while I began to write her numerous letters."