After being diagnosed with MS, Christina Applegate makes an emotional first public appearance, saying, I Love You All So Much.

After being diagnosed with MS, Christina Applegate makes an emotional first public appearance, saying, I Love You All So Much.

On Monday, November 14, Christina Applegate attended her Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. This was notable because it was the Emmy winner's first outing since she revealed she had multiple sclerosis in the spring of 2021. Originally scheduled to earn her star on the Walk of Fame in 2020, Applegate's ceremony was postponed because to the epidemic. While filming the third and final season of her Netflix comedy "Dead to Me," she revealed on Twitter that she has MS.

Before Applegate's visit, her "Married... with Children" co-stars Katey Sagal and David Faustino presented her with a star on the Walk of Fame. You're not alone, Sagal assured Applegate while breaking down in tears. We are all present. Linda Cardellini, Applegate's "Dead to Me" co-star, and Liz Feldman, the film's creator, were also present to honour Applegate.
At the Walk of Fame ceremony, Applegate was helped to the podium by Sagal, who remained on stage with her throughout her speech. Applegate sobbed as she spoke about her daughter and thanked her for helping her through receiving a diagnosis of MS.

My daughter is the most significant person in the world, Applegate declared. "You are far more than you realise. You are so lovely, sweet, astute, and fascinating. Every day that I get to get up and drive you to school is a blessing to me. I appreciate you supporting me during this whole thing.

Applegate referred to each and every one of her followers in attendance as "beautiful." I adore you all a lot.

Filming the final season of "Dead to Me" while dealing with MS, Applegate said in an interview with Variety before the Walk of Fame event, was "rough as you can possibly think it would be." To go to the set, the actor needed a wheelchair.

While we were working, Applegate stated, "I was diagnosed." "I had to phone everyone and announce that I have MS, guys. such as, "What the fuck!" And after that, it was more of a matter of learning together what I would be capable of.

The third season of "Dead to Me" will premiere on Netflix on November 17. This will be Applegate's first new endeavour since disclosing her MS diagnosis. With regard to the show's premiere and her first public appearances, which will also include the "Dead to Me" premiere on Nov. 15, Applegate told Variety that "people are going to see me for the first time as a crippled person, and it's incredibly difficult."

In a popular tweet posted last month, Applegate teased her upcoming public appearances. The actor posted a picture of various canes that she was thinking about putting on red carpets.

When Applegate was diagnosed with MS, she posted on Twitter, "This will be my first time out." I now consider using walking sticks to be normal. I appreciate @neowalksticks for these lovely items. Watch to see which ones get chosen for a week of content.

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